Personal Info
NameRenan Luigi Martins Guarese
How do I say 'Renan'?'Hen' + 'Uh'
CitationGuarese, R.
Also goes by Luigi | he/ele

Blindfolded user wearing an augmented reality headset while holding a pan and searching for a stove Anechoic chamber with superimposed raycasts Street with cars and superimposed green arrows and blue path

Blindfolded user wearing an augmented reality headset in front of a cupboard. Annotations indicate a geometric transform performed in the study Anechoic chamber with superimposed 3D magnetic field Top half shows a user wearing a force-feedback device on their elbow, while holding a virtual reality controller. Bottom shows their view in virtual reality, with one of their virtual arms having been amputated near the elbow.

View of a classroom augmented with red paths on the floor and green plaques with values for each seat View of a sidewalk with sound icons indicating points of interest View of a kitchen with a virtual avatar

Professional Experience
🏫 KTH, Stockholm Sweden flag
2024 - Present Postdoctoral Researcher at KTH
+ Digital Futures fellow - SMART Pharmaceutical Industry project
+ Tutor for 'Advanced Graphics and Interaction', and 'Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces'
+ MSc theses supervisor
🏫 RMIT, Melbourne Australia flag
2024 - 2024 Research Assistant at Centre of Digital Ecosystems
+ Plastics NZ EcoVis project
2022 - 2024 Teaching and Research Sessional at School of Computing Tech
+ Tutor for 'Mixed Reality', 'Interactive Digital Media Project B', 'Foundations of AI for STEM', and 'Programming Studio 1'
2020 - 2024 Ph.D. Scholarship at ATN - AR as assistive tech
+ Research, development and user testing of micro-guidance sonified AR methods for people who are blind and in no visibility conditions
🏫 UFRGS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2019 - 2020 M.Sc. Scholarship at CNPq - Situated Data Visualization
+ Research, development and user testing of interactive Augmented Reality visualization systems
2017 - 2018 Undergrad researcher at PPGIE - Physics simulations in AR
+ Research and development of an Augmented Reality application for mobile devices using Unity and Vuforia
2016 - 2016 IT tutor for high school kids and senior citizens at Colegio Aplicacao
🏫 Halmstad University, Halmstad Sweden flag
2019 - 2020 M.Sc. Exchange Scholarship at CERES - Electromagnetic Compatibility in AR DataVis project
🏫 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago US flag
2016 - 2016 Undergrad researcher at College of Computing - Multithreading Montecarlo Method
🏫 IFRS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2014 - 2015 Undergrad researcher - DataVis project
2014 - 2014 English tutor
2013 - 2013 IT tutor
🏫 PUCRS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2015 - 2015 iOS Developer intern - BEPiD
2012 - 2013 Undergrad researcher - Network graph visualization

2020 - 2024Ph.D. in Computer Science
RMIT, Melbourne Australia flag
Advisors: Prof. Fabio Zambetta, Prof. Deb Polson, and Dr. Ron van Schyndel
🎖Scholarship: ATN
🏆PhD Thesis:
Augmenting the dark: exploring assistive micro-guidance in sonified mixed reality
2019 - 2020M.Sc. in Computer Science
UFRGS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
Advisor: Prof. Anderson Maciel
🎖Scholarship: CNPq
MSc Thesis:
Augmenting analytics: use case studies of situated data visualization towards decision-making
2019 - 2020Sandwich period during M.Sc.
Halmstad University, Halmstad Sweden flag
Advisors: Dr. Pererik Andreasson and Dr. Emil Nilsson
MSc Thesis:
Augmenting analytics: Situated Data Visualization towards decision-making for EMC testing

🎖Scholarship: Linnaeus-Palme
2013 - 2018B.Sc. in Computer Science
UFRGS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
Advisor: Prof. Anderson Maciel
BSc Thesis:
Development and usability analysis of a mixed reality GPS navigator application for the microsoft hololens
2015 - 2016Sandwich period during B.Sc.
Radford University, Radford US flag
Scholarship: CAPES
2010 - incomplete B.Sc. interrupted in 2012 in Control and Automation Engineering
UFRGS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2013 - 2014Technician diploma in IT
IFRS, Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2007 - 2009Secondary Education
CMSP, Porto Alegre Brazil flag

Complementary / Volunteering Experience
2020 - 2025 Paper Reviewer at SVR 2020 - 2024, IEEE VR 2021 - 2025, ISMAR 2022 - 2025, Disability and Rehabilitation 2024, TEI 2024, Virtual Reality 2024, CHI 2025, DIS 2025 (30h)
IEEE, ACM, SBC, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis
2024Panelist and XR Experience juror at SVR 2024 (5h)
SBC International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality 2024, Manaus, Brasil Brazil flag
2021Chair of Student Volunteers at SVR 2021 (40h)
SBC International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality 2021, Gramado, Brasil Brazil flag
2019 - 2021Treasurer at Blades Porto Alegre (180h)
Treasurer of the Blades inline hockey team, Porto Alegre, Brasil Brazil flag
2020Student Volunteer at ISMAR 2020 (20h)
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2020, Recife, Brasil Brazil flag
2020Curso de arbitros e Mesarios 2020 (10h)
Confederacao Brasileira de Hoquei e Patinacao, CBHP, Brasil Brazil flag
2019Student Volunteer at NIME 2019 (20h)
New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2019, Porto Alegre, Brasil Brazil flag
2014Microsoft S2B Advanced - Database track (180h)
PUCRS, Brasil Brazil flag

Native Brazil flag Portuguese
Fluent US flag English
Advanced Uruguay flag Spanish
Basic French flag French

Awards and Grants
🎓 Academic
2024🏆 Best Doctoral Thesis at the Thesis and Dissertation Contest - Augmenting the dark: exploring assistive micro-guidance in sonified mixed reality, SVR 2024. Manaus Brazilian flag
2023🎖 Finalist at the Cross-Reality Systems for Real-World Scenarios competition - Immersive tele-guidance towards evoking empathy with people who are vision impaired, IEEE ISMAR 2023. Sydney Australia flag
2023🎖 Nomination for Best Paper Award - Evoking empathy with visually impaired people through an augmented reality embodiment experience, IEEE VR 2023. Shanghai China flag
2021🥈Student Innovation Challenge: Audience Choice - Vibrotactile Data Physicalization of Covid Cases in South America, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021. Montreal Canada flag
2020🎖 Latin American PhD Scholarship (ATN grant) - 3-year scholarship at RMIT University - Melbourne Australia flag
2020🏆Best Poster - A Usability Assessment of Augmented Situated Visualization, IEEE VR 2020. Atlanta US flag
2020🏆3DUI Contest Winner - 3DUI and the Phantom Limb: multisensory experience for embodiment of amputation, IEEE VR 2020. Atlanta US flag
2019🎖 Linnaeus-Palme (UHR grant) - 6-month M.Sc. scholarship at Halmstad University. Halmstad Sweden flag
2018🥉3rd Place at the I Workshop de Inovacao da Diretoria de Educacao a Distancia da CAPES - Laboratorio Virtual AVATAR, CAPES. Brasilia Brazil flag
20162x🎖 Dean's List (Fall 2015 and Spring 2016) - GPA-based scholastic achievement - Radford University. Radford US flag
2015🎖 Ciencia sem Fronteiras (CAPES grant) - 1-year BSc. scholarship at Radford University. Radford US flag
🏒 Hockey
2023, 20223x🏆 B4 Div. (Hellfish) at IceHQ Beer League - Melbourne Australia flag
2021🥉 Camp. Movember (Sel. Gaucha) at Arena Referencia - Curitiba Brazil flag
2019, 20182x🥉 Camp. Brasileiro B (Blades) at AABB - Jaragua Brazil flag
2019🥉 Alien Cup (Blades) at Arena Referencia - Curitiba Brazil flag
2019, 20182x🏆 Camp. Gaucho (Blades) at Club Macabi - Porto Alegre Brazil flag
2018, 20172x🏆 Copa Amizade (Blades) at Club Macabi - Porto Alegre Brazil flag

📓 Journal Papers
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Pretty, Emma; Renata, Aidan; Polson, Deb; Zambetta, Fabio. Exploring audio interfaces for vertical guidance in augmented reality via hand-based feedback, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024.
Renata, Aidan; Guarese, Renan; Takac, Marcel; Zambetta, Fabio. Assessment of Embodied Visuospatial Perspective Taking in Augmented Reality: Insights from a Reaction Time Task, Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2024.
Youtube Video Wrife, Andreas; Guarese, Renan; Iop, Alessandro; Romero, Mario. Comparative analysis of spatiotemporal playback manipulation on virtual reality training for External Ventricular Drainage, SVR 2024 - Elsevier Computers & Graphics, 2024.
Pretty, Emma; Guarese, Renan; Dziego, Chloe; Fayek, Haytham; Zambetta, Fabio. Multimodal Measurement of Cognitive Load in a Video Game Context: A Comparative Study between Subjective and Objective Metrics, IEEE Transactions on Games, 2024.
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Andreasson, Pererik; Nilsson, Emil; Maciel, Anderson. Augmented Situated Visualization Methods towards Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing, SVR 2020 - Elsevier Computers & Graphics, 2020.
Bos, Andreia S.; Herpich, Fabricio; Kuhn, Igor; Guarese, Renan L. M.; Tarouco, Liane; Zaro, Milton A.; Pizzato, Michelle; Wives, Lendro. Educational Technology and Its Contributions in Students: Focus and Attention Regarding Augmented Reality Environments and the Use of Sensors, SAGE Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2019.
Herpich, Fabricio; Guarese, Renan; Tarouco, Liane. A Comparative Analysis of Augmented Reality Frameworks Aimed at the Development of Educational Applications, SCIRP Creative Education, 2017.
🏫 Conference Papers
Guarese, R.; Gokan Khan, M.; Lassiter, D.; Vachier, J.; Johnson, J.; Edvinsson, B.; Bergman, A.; Wang, X.; Romero, M.;. A Scoping Review and Expert Recommendations for Immersive Solutions towards Predictive Maintenance, 2025, St. Malo France flag 2025 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) - XRIOS workshop
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Pretty, Emma; Fayek, Haytham; Zambetta, Fabio; Schyndel, Ron Van. Evoking empathy with visually impaired people through an augmented reality embodiment experience, 2023, Shanghai China flag IEEE VR 23 - 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces.
Guarese, Renan; Pretty, Emma; Zambetta, Fabio. XR towards tele-guidance: mixing realities in assistive technologies for blind and visually impaired people, 2023, Shanghai China flag Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops - Mixing Realities: Cross-reality Visualization | Interaction | Collaboration.
Pretty, Emma; Guarese, Renan; Fayek, Haytham; Zambetta, Fabio. Replicability and Transparency for the Creation of Public Human User Video Game Datasets, 2023, Shanghai China flag Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops - Data4XR Datasets for Developing Intelligent XR Applications.
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Zambetta, Fabio; Schyndel, Ron Van. Evaluating micro-guidance sonification methods in manual tasks for Blind and Visually Impaired people, 2022, Canberra Australia flag OzCHI '22: Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Bastidas, Franklin; Becker, Joao; Giambastiani, Mariane; Iquiapaza, Yhonatan; Macedo, Lennon; Nedel, Luciana; Maciel, Anderson; Zambetta, Fabio; Schyndel, Ron Van. Cooking in the dark: a mixed reality empathy experience for the embodiment of blindness, 2021, New York US flag IMX '21 - Proceedings of the 1st XR in Games Workshop (XR in Games 2021)
Youtube Video Bastidas, Franklin; Guarese, Renan; Johansson, Carlos; Giambastiani, Mariane; Iquiapaza, Yhonatan; Oliveira, Victor; Nedel, Luciana; Maciel, Anderson. Vibrotactile Data Physicalization: Exploratory Insights for Haptization of Low-resolution Images, 2021, Gramado Brazil flag SVR '21: Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality
Guarese, R. L. M.; Nilsson, E.; Andreasson, P.; Maciel, A. A Proposal for Augmented Situated Visualization Towards EMC Testing, 2020, St. Polten Austria flag Proceedings of the XChange Reality! 2020.
Guarese, R. L. M.; Oliveira, V. J.; Calepso, A. S.; Valer, R.; Iquiapaza, Y.; Nedel, L.; Maciel, A. E-mpathy and the Phantom Limb Sensation: a multisensory experience for embodiment of amputation, 2020, St. Polten Austria flag Proceedings of the XChange Reality! 2020.
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Becker, Joao; Fensterseifer, Henrique; Walter, Marcelo; Freitas, Carla; Nedel, Luciana; Maciel, Anderson. Augmented Situated Visualization for Spatial and Context-Aware Decision-Making, 2020, Salerno Italy flag Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces .
Herpich, F.; Nunes, F. B.; Guarese, Renan; Nichele, A. G.; Silva, P. F.; Krassmann, A. L.; Tarouco, L. M. R. Mobile Augmented Reality in Science Teaching: an analysis of the pedagogical usability with pre-service teachers, 2019, London England flag Proceedings from the Fifth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference.
Herpich, F.; Guarese, R. L. M.; Fratin, V.; Tarouco, Liane. Augmented reality impact in the development of formal thinking, 2018, Missoula, US flag Proceedings from the Fourth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference.
Herpich, Fabricio; Guarese, Renan; Cassola, Amaury; Tarouco, Liane. Mobile Augmented Reality Impact in Student Engagement: an Analysis of the Focused Attention Dimension, 2018, Las Vegas US flag 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI).
Herpich, Fabricio; Guarese, Renan; Tarouco, Liane. Recursos de virtualidade integrados com realidade aumentada em dispositivos moveis para auxiliar estudantes na aprendizagem de fisica, 2017, Recife Brazil flag Anais dos Workshops do CBIE 2017
📖 Book Chapters
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Bastidas, Franklin; Becker, Joao; Giambastiani, Mariane; Iquiapaza, Yhonatan; Macedo, Lennon; Nedel, Luciana; Maciel, Anderson; Zambetta, Fabio; Van Schyndel, Ron. Cooking in the Dark: Exploring Spatial Audio as MR Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired, 2021, Bari Italy flag INTERACT 2021 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing.
Youtube Video Guarese, Renan; Maciel, Anderson. Development and Usability Analysis of a Mixed Reality GPS Navigation Application for the Microsoft HoloLens, 2019, Calgary Canada flag CGI 2019 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing.
📃 Extended Abstracts
Pretty, E.; Guarese, R.; Fayek, Haytham; Zambetta, Fabio. Comparing Subjective Measures of Workload in Video Game Play: Evaluating the Test-Retest Reliability of the VGDS and NASA-TLX, 2024, San Jose Costa Rica flag ICMI '24: Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - Late-Breaking Results
Tavares, Daniela; Guarese, R.; Cheiran, J.; Teofilo, M. Immersive Technologies: challenges of the inclusive design in times of natural hazards and climate change, 2024, Manaus Brazil flag SVR '24: Extended proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality - Panels track
Guarese, R.; van Schyndel, R. Polson, Deb; Zambetta, Fabio. Augmenting the dark: Exploring assistive micro-guidance in sonified mixed reality, 2024, Manaus Brazil flag SVR '24: Extended proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality - Thesis and Dissertation Contest
Youtube Video Guarese, R.; Polson, Deb; Zambetta, Fabio. Immersive tele-guidance towards evoking empathy with people who are vision impaired, 2023, Sydney Australia flag IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct) - Cross-Reality Systems Competition
Schetinger, Victor; Perez-Messina, Ignacio; Guarese, Renan; Filipov, Velitchko. Xenakis: Experimenting with Data, Cities, and Sounds, 2021, Online IEEE VIS '21 - alt.VIS workshop
Guarese, R. L. M.; Becker, J. C.; Fensterseifer, H.; Calepso, A. S.; Walter, M.; Freitas, C.; Nedel, L.; Maciel, A. A Usability Assessment of Augmented Situated Visualization, 2020, Atlanta US flag Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops - Poster track
Youtube Video Calepso, A. S.; Guarese, R. L. M.; Valer, R.; Iquiapaza, Y.;Oliveira, V. J.; Nedel, L.; Maciel, A. 3DUI and the Phantom Limb: multisensory experience for embodiment of amputation, 2020, Atlanta US flag Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops - 3DUI Contest
Guarese, R. L. M.; Fensterseifer, H.; Becker, J. C.; Walter, M.; Maciel, A.; Nedel, L. Augmented Situated Visualization for Spatially Aware Decision-Making, 2019, Rio de Janeiro Brazil flag SVR '19: Extended proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality - Demos and Posters track
Herpich, Fabricio; Bos, Andreia; Kuhn, Igor; Guarese, Renan; Tarouco, Liane; Wives, Leandro; Zaro, Milton. Cerebral activity in the use of AR educational resources: an attention analysis of the apprentice, 2018, Fortaleza Brazil flag Proceedings of the SBIE 2018
Herpich, Fabricio; Guarese, Renan; Cassola, Amaury; Tarouco, Liane. Augmented Reality in the development of spatial visualization in physics, 2018, Fortaleza Brazil flag Workshop Proceedings of the CBIE 2018

🎓 M.Sc. Theses
2025 Student: Zeinab BagheriFard
Title: MOCAP maintenance in VR for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Degree: M.Sc. Design for Creative and Immersive Technology
Institution: Stockholm University, Stockholm Sweden flag
Advisors: Renan Guarese, Fabian Johnson, Asst. Prof. Luis Quintero
Outputs: (Ongoing)
2025 Student: Miruna Vasiliu
Title: Enhancing Industrial Training Through Conversational Agents: Integrating Speech-to-Text and Large Language Models in Immersive Virtual Environments
Degree: M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction and Design
Institution: KTH / University of Twente, Stockholm Sweden flag / Enschede Netherlands flag
Advisors: Renan Guarese, Fabian Johnson
Outputs: (Ongoing)
2025 Student: Martin Hakansson
Title: Exploring Collaborative Augmented Reality for Music Education
Degree: M.Sc. Computer Science
Institution: KTH, Stockholm Sweden flag
Advisors: Renan Guarese
Outputs: (Ongoing)
🎓 Honours Thesis
2023 Student: Aidan Renata
Title: My Right, Your Left: A Speeded Reaction Time Task for Visuospatial Perspective Taking in Augmented Reality
Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) (Honours)
Institution: RMIT, Melbourne Australia flag
Advisors: Renan Guarese, Dr. Marcel Takac, and Prof. Fabio Zambetta
Outputs: Thesis | Publication

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Renan Guarese

Twitter Profile     Linkedin Profile     Research Gate Profile     Youtube Channel     Google Scholar Profile